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Kingdom Abundance

October 3 2015 , Written by The Thinker

Well Today’s piece,originally had little to do with the title. The essence of this article is in the memory of that phrase(kingdom abundance) considering it acted as a stark reminder of some of the realities and facts of everyday life.

Today started on the brightest notes; I am usually a morning person, very cheerful, always excited and often hyper-active in the morning . I am one of those people who turn on the radio and sing along in the morning traffic to school. I hope it ends on the same note. It started like any other day. I woke up, studied and then took out my to-do list. It was all good until I remembered tasks I had been procrastinating for a while and realized I had not achieved the targets I had been setting for myself, the ‘vision written on the wall’ was yet to come alive.

I guess sometimes I think too much and too far about things, because on that instance I began to think about all the other things I had not yet achieved. I begun to think about all the time I had spent unwisely. How redundant that was because I could have as well been using the time left wisely, making the best of what I have. I began to think about my friends, how many or how few they are, and whether it was important to establish them, convincing myself that it was not important because there is always change and that means the nature of friendship can change. I however still think it is important to establish with certainty the number of friends I have and the value of the time I have used to develop those relationships.

Perhaps it is time to be a little more selfish, or is it the time to be not selfish at all? Well, my biggest worry has been the growing number of “friends” and perhaps the reducing number of FRIENDS. Well, enough about me. Here is to any of those good friends stuck through the thick and thin, the many friends who can honestly say they know me. Is there a need for those friends, who will always be there, can you not make it all on your own. I guess you could argue for both, depending on your experience.

And there it was. The epiphany that always follows deep thought. Te most depressing realization was stumbling upon the fact that there was so much futility in even trying to think about it, and this is how it came to me. My mother had set one of her really old passwords as 'Kingdom abundance', and funny enough, I had to type it into the computer to access the work I needed to finish. It served as a reminder that as human beings we try so hard and we do not really need to try so hard on our own because it is futile. All we need to do is exist within the perfect will of God for our lives, and even when things get really tough, pillars that will give you a place to rest will always draw you. As mum always says, Time is a friend, and I know that My God has an abundance of that time, more than I could ever comprehend. It is about time I ceased worrying about this things too much. It is time to cease the desperation and just let the Almighty do His work.

I was reminded of the many times I thought things were never going to get better and just in time, he sent a friend. I became grateful for those ‘friends’ and FRIENDS in their multitudes and in their absence. So as today marks the birthday of one such FRIEND, I want to celebrate Ms. VALARIE KERUBO MASARANGA. Happy birthday to you (In case you think I forgot your birthday) and I am indeed infinitely Grateful that you have been one of those pillars that have been permanent. Here is to friends. Join me and raise your glass to this Lady today.

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